Technology Addiction Intensive Treatment

Treating Internet, Gaming, Pornography, Social Media, and Personal Device Addictions

As one of the foremost leaders in the treatment of technology addiction, Dr. Greenfield has created Intensive 5-Day (4 hours per day) and 2-Day (10 hours per day) accelerated treatment programs.  During the Intensive, you will work one-on-one with Dr. Greenfield to address your compulsive or addictive technology use, including:

  • Internet
  • Gaming
  • Online Gambling
  • Social Media
  • Personal Device Addictions


These Intensives utilize cutting-edge treatment protocols developed by Dr. Greenfield and are designed to streamline and accelerate the recovery process so that you can return to a healthy life balance.

During the Technology Addiction Intensives, you will learn to:

  • Assess/diagnose use and specifically review technology use patterns.
  • Establish an overall analysis of technical behavior.
  • Evaluate psychosocial, educational and medical history.
  • Understand established triggers found in the addictive pattern as well as other addictive or compulsive behavior, e.g. substances, alcohol, food, gambling, shopping, pornography, etc.
  • Develop an understanding of the neurobiology and psychoneurological patterns of addiction and how to create change in these deeper patterns of behavior.
  • Develop a relapse prevention plan.
  • Address underlying and co-occurring psychological and psychiatric issues that might be contributing to your addiction.
  • Address social and family relationships that have been impacted
  • Create a real-time life plan to “Plug back in life!sm

Dr. Shelby approaches technology addiction by first understanding the addiction cycle and the tendency to numb oneself along with feelings of shame, isolation and guilt. By examining emotional triggers, stress and other contributing variables, including the neurophysiology of technology addiction, you can learn how to use brain-behavior strategies to understand and control problematic technology use.

Using EMDR® and a variety of other therapeutic strategies, Dr. Greenfield will help identify and desensitize your urges and cravings for overuse and abuse of technology. He will help you reduce your over-dependence on problematic technologies and heal underlying distress and anxieties that might be contributing to the pattern of technology addiction. Whether your school performance is suffering, your job has worsened, you have encountered legal or financial repercussions or you’re having marital or relationship problems, Dr. Greenfield’s Intensive programs for technology addiction may be the effective first step you need to find lasting recovery.

Dr. Greenfield provides effective, focused strategies that are targeted to your specific technology addiction problem and you can begin using immediately. Close family involvement may be recommended – perhaps your parents or partner – as Dr. Greenfield recognizes the involvement and impact an addiction can have on family and intimate relationships.

Using techniques proven effective in Imago Therapy®, Dr. Greenfield helps facilitate and repair communications between you and your spouse or family members in an effective and efficient manner. The skills that you learn during the intensive program can aid you in managing both your technology addiction symptoms as well your overall psychological functioning and happiness.


You will be supported in your recovery from technology addiction in a variety of ways, including but not limited to:

  • Identifying community resources and supports; include various 12-step and other support options; options for professional follow-up and therapy.
  • Developing a relapse prevention plan and develop support strategies and crisis techniques to prevent or address relapse.
  • Addressing and developing plans for impacted social, vocational and marital/family relationships.
  • Developing technology blocks/filters/monitors to help limit access to technology use.
  • Using the Real-Time 100 list: you identity 100 non-tech things you can do and attempt to try as many as possible during or after the treatment program.
  • Learning to develop healthy conscious attitude toward self, family and social relationships.


Additionally, Dr. Shelby’s technical staff has the ability to set up effective blocks, filters and monitoring systems to help you control problematic technology use. The idea is to delay, even briefly, the accessibility and availability to technology that feeds your addiction. With help, you can learn to manage and control your technology use.